
kokon. Ein schaurig-schönes Schachtelstück.
A review by James Slone (

"Kokon” represents an interesting departure for Angizia, a more melodic, straightforward and pretty record than the schizoid wackiness of "Ein Toten fahrt gern Ringelspiel." The overall mood is more relaxed and sad than the jaunty, sometimes clownish vaudeville of the last few releases. The most aggressive sound on the album occurs in the first few minutes in the form of a gunshot. From there the album falls into an easy groove alternating between proper songs and atmospheric soliloquies, with bits of classical guitar (courtesy of Angizia’s composer Emmerich Haimer), jazzy piano (by David Six) and some unusually funky bass lines, sprinkled over with some tango-esque dance rhythms and occasional metal riffs. Which is isn’t to say there aren’t more rollicking or bombastic moments; the rhythmic and upbeat "Ein Quantchen Gift” and the heavy guitar-driven "Maß Für Maß,” both pack considerable oomph.

As a piece of musical theater the album seems more realistic and introspective than the last few Angizia albums. Songs like the melodious "Es ist Leidenschaft” exemplify the general feeling of wistful malaise, with a sweet duet between lyricist Michael Haas and vocalist Irene Denner, his voice searching and lost, hers strong and reassuring. There’s little of the manic aggressiveness of "Ein Toter,” and considerably more focus, with the band’s characteristic weirdness and fey theatrics reined in somewhat. The end result is not as fun as past efforts, but it’s more immediate, direct and emotionally grabbing. I wouldn’t really describe it as maturation since Angizia have always had old souls, but it does represent a band tightening the belt and playing within certain, artistically precribed limits.

Angizia have clearly achieved a high level of confidence, content to use their considerable gifts to create beautiful, almost fragile music without playing it up with pointless virtuosity or the weirdness-for-weirdness sake attitude plaguing much of experimental rock and metal. "Kokon” is all about the craft.
